Hopes and Dreams


I am raising three boys in Los Angeles…

I am raising them in a beautiful bubble where it is safe to walk home alone at night, a bubble that is full of just-at-your-fingertip opportunities, a bubble that serves as a well-resourced extended family to care for them.

I don’t know when it started, but I began to realize that raising them in this privileged bubble, while fortunate in a lot of ways, was actually a grave disservice. For them to truly begin to know themselves - to be whole - their perspectives need to be challenged, their comfort-zones breached. It is my job to expand my boys’ perspective... to be willing to be uncomfortable next to them, and to model for them what open-mindedness, integrity and kindness look like — what inclusivity, humility and respect for the other looks like. And it is my job, to do this NOW. To show them that this is a way of living - not just a nice thing to do once in a while, but a priority.

That is why I decided to create Ama-LA. Ama is here to make it easier for us to make civic-mindedness and social conscience, or social heart, a priority for ourselves and for our loved ones. We all have so many things to prioritize on a daily basis just to keep afloat, but this coming together… reaching across bubbles to find our common humanity — asking how we can help and then delivering — is what provides the real buoyancy of life.

We’d love to hear from you!
